Alternative Life

Alternative Life

When one hears the word alternative one thinks weird, different not normal I believe these are societal words that were invented to keep a certain norm ongoing. I am noticing that many people today have opted for a more "outside the box of norm" way of life than ever, how internet and mind evolvement. 

This article is my definition of alternative life and a general sense in how I am living it. It is an exploration of life and what it has to offer outside the norm of society and what you are supposed to follow when faced with certain situations. I decided to create my own and determine what is best for me and my soulmate.  

This life for me matches the choices I made with my boyfriend of 25yrs, which was to position ourselves so we can live this life together as one. Having a one or soulmate, is important in both the long and short term of life, as life will throw you curveballs and as one you deal with them which forms integrity, truth and trust. This forms an incredible strength between two people who have a vision of where they head in life no matter the obstacles or who criticizes due to lack of understanding or modern upgrade in thinking.

As they say, you only live once so live life to the fullest. Well, exploration in life is number one on the list, at least to me. Most people never get an opportunity to really live the way they want, because the choices they made were based on other people's expectations around them, family, friends. I believe this causes missed chances to experience a different aspect of life.

Throughout the past years, the life that most average people "understood" or were used to, is school, marriage, house, kids; specifically between man and woman.  Today, this definition does not hold true for every person mainly due to the evolution in life and each new generation is born into a different facet of thinking and pursuing life that appears strange and often unacceptable to those from previous generations; because of this change nothing is strange or weird anymore. In the past one was always judged by their outer appearance, this defined a person; by society. Today, the alternative life, could be compared in some ways to the single life, no kids, no house mortgage minimum commitment, has somehow integrated itself into mainstream life.

For me this life is my definition of gothic life, which signifies one word "rebel” "opposite" and "acceptance of oneself not others", thus not caring what is socially acceptable by society. There are those who are envious of people who have the freedom to express their true nature and they often criticize them with hate. Others secretly compare to what they wish they could have and in some instances live double lives; which is hypocrisy at best and does not last long,

The online presence has become a key factor in life today, since that's how people formulate opinions and its important to project the right ones. Social media became a beacon that gives a glimpse into a person's identity and it mind shapes personality.

In conclusion, its like watching a live never ending series about people. When you actually meet a person you already have an idea of who they are.


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