
Showing posts from July, 2019

Toronto Pride 2019

My first experience at such an amazing event. Soo many people of all walks of life. It started out when we were dispatched to the Mississauga terminal for our off time. Initially, we had no plans to do much during that time. But, a stroke of pure change of heart happened and we rented a car headed and  off to Toronto and the touristic Niagara. We drove past Niagara outlet mall and stopped as the beautiful design and architecture of the place drew our attention.  The shops are all in an outside atmosphere so its as if you are walking along a boardwalk of shops. Yes bought some great stuff. Next day was Toronto Pride Parade 2019 which we found out was going on upon arriving in downtown on our way  to Toronto Eaton's Center. After shopping until we dropped, walking for hours and miles, we decided to explore more of the city, and all the fun activities taking place. As we walked and took pictures there were more events, street parties with talented live performances with a young crowd