Life Outside the Box (Roadie)
Life can bring about changes unexpectedly. It seems as if nowadays it's happening faster than before. Throughout the past, people worked, shopped raised families and were able to make a decent leaving. Up to early 2000 and beyond life changed suddenly and two incomes were needed to pay basic bills, with some extra. Nowadays, two high professional level incomes are needed to get by. Technology played a huge role in this new wave life. One big change for me came when I became a permanent trucker roadie. My boyfriend of 25yrs decided to embark on a brand new lifestyle: long haul trucking. This opened an entirely new experience in our lives especially since we are literally on a weekly basis crossing borders and travelling across USA and Canada. You get a real birds eye view as how people live just next door. The learning curve was rather interesting since it was very new. Navigation skills, finding truck stops, trying to keep the cost down, also learning what clothes and stuff to bri